Sunday, September 2, 2012

It's A New School Year!

The new year has begun, so I'll now be able to blog about my full implementation of my 1:1 iPad experiences.  We have been in school for 8 days and we have been on laptops a couple of times, but I haven't brought out the iPads just yet.  My hope is that will happen next week.  For now, I want to show you how my classroom is set up.  I thought about the learning spaces in regards to the kids using iPads.  I'm pretty pleased with the results.  I probably have too much furniture, but I can't give up anything just yet.  

I love the kid size picnic table and lawn chairs, so do the kids!

A fun, comfortable place to sit low and work.

The kids circle time and my whole group teaching area.

My space that the kids share with me.  The iPad syncing trays are on the counter to the right.

Our classroom library, but there are books all over the room.

What the kids see as they enter the room

Another view.
I know the pictures may be a bit overkill, but I love the classroom space so much I wanted to share.  I'm excited to get past the fun of the start of the school year into the comfort of routines.  Stay tuned....... 


  1. Love your new blog!! We are having a blog hop over at our blog: Here is the link: We would LOVE for you to participate. Thanks for considering. Stephanie

  2. Can I ask how you earned that grant? I would love to win that for my classroom!!!
